i've decided to upload some pics. :) cos i finally sent those pics over to my comp.hahahaa.and some really made me laugh out loud! me and the birthday boy!so obvious hes in army la!hahaha.
hahahaha.our dearest yulan's an idiot. :)
not forgetting the sooooooooooooooooooo yuuummmmyy black and white brownie!!!!
i think this picture is funny!!!hahahaha!!and its like so rare three of us can actually eat a meal together la. :)
hahaha!the three of us with funny poses. :) so sweeeet man!
omg!this is the funny one!!lol!the very sly and cunning ying asked us to make ugly faces in the end we did she didnt so she end up looking pretty and all!lol!and yulan really looks cuteeee!! lol :)
hahaha!and this was the day when tingting looked the prettiest!hahaha!after the photo shoot the other time!loolll. :) eh but i look so different here.lol.
okay i'm gonna watch tv now.goodbye my friend.