
just a short one before i zzzzz.

on the topic of 'friends' recently. i think as i age, i tend to 'test' and 'observe' someone alot, before allowing him/her into my life. and i've learnt to identify certain personalties and characteristics. have learnt, sometimes thru the hard way, how to choose my friends wisely.

even as we grow up, friends arent a general term as 'friends' anymore. sad but true, they are separated and differentiated to the different levels of closeness to us. and there will be times when we are forced to make a decision to draw away from people who are 'hindering' us in a way. it is all part of growing up and it is inevitable.

sometimes i think to myself, is it really that necessary? there were so many times i doubted my own decisions. but time and time again, i proved myself to be right. sometimes it was painful.. but at the end of the day, i'm glad i did.

'friends' used to be a general term for me. anyone and everyone are my friends. until recently when i really thought through, and learnt to identify the ones who are truly closest to my heart.

i want friends who truly know my heart, who are sincere and genuine. who are there not to just share with the good times, but the extremely bad times as well (which more often than not, needs much sensitivity). yes it sounds simple, but if you take time out to really think through, you are only left with a few...


i was watching criminal minds that lam sent me (starting to appreciate that show, hope it wont run out like lie to me does). and one of the episodes speaks of compulsion, obsessive-compulsion disorder. and i just randomly remembered i researched on it while i was back in wuhan, and even had a conversation with yx about it, and we admitted we have mild OCDs in our own way.

Some people with OCD perform compulsive rituals because they inexplicably feel they have to, others act compulsively so as to mitigate the anxiety that stems from particular obsessive thoughts. The person might feel that these actions somehow either will prevent a dreaded event from occurring, or will push the event from their thoughts. Individuals with OCD are aware that their thoughts and behavior are not rational, but they feel bound to comply with them to fend off feelings of panic or dread.
-from wikipedia

Some common compulsions:
-counting specific things (such as footsteps) or in specific ways (by intervals of two)
-doing other repetitive actions, often with sensitivity to numbers or patterns
-repeatedly wash their hands
-clear their throats
-make sure certain items are in a straight line
-touch objects a certain number of times before exiting a room
-walk in a certain routine way
-routine for using stairs and always finishing a flight on the same foot

when i saw these on wiki, i laughed out loud. because i'm guilty of quite a few! and there was a period of time i suffered so much from it when i was young, probably in secondary school, and i didnt realise i had OCD. and i didnt know what was happening to me because these things tortured my mind so much but i knew it wasnt rational, but i just NEEDED to do it.

like if i tapped something once, i cant just tap it once, i NEED to tap it to an even number. or i will feel SUPER uneasy and as if something bad will happen if i dont tap it to an even number. (this still happens to me)

if i snapped my right fingers, i NEED to snap my left fingers twice, to 'even' things out.

and when i'm outside, i will subconsciously count alot of things in front of me, notice the patterns, numbers, to give me an ease of mind.

and you know why i dont really like wearing necklaces? cos i'll be VERY conscious of how many times my necklace touched me, and i will start counting, and if its not an even number i'll get very uneasy and i'll wait for it to touch me another time, then i'll just hold it in my hands. hahahaha. weird right!!!

and yes there would be certain things that i MUST see them aligned in a straight line too, or i cant really concentrate on anything else.

so funny hor! i think every other person has OCD of their own in small minor ways? i think its so interesting how all these small small things play with our minds, but its not even rational.

but in any way, i think i'm quite an irrational person also. i'm good with maths, but im irrational when it comes to feelings and emotions.

so interesting how God wired us up. and i know of all people, lam and huiying will understand my this post. lol.

a losing battle.

as i was floating through life these few weeks (floating is more apt for my situation), there was quite a turmoil going on on the inside of me. i was kind of in a half-reality, half-fantasy world. where i was able to talk myself in being pessimistic and optimistic at the same time. it was a very strange feeling. i guess it was struggling between two sides, two very extreme sides.

one side of me, felt that hope and everything lovey dovey, was perverse. there wasnt such a thing in the world. i allowed myself to become so cynical about everything good. ever felt like this before? and its so hard to talk yourself out of it, because the negativity just washes over the positivity. it came to a point when i was disgusted even, by anything good, that happened maybe to me or people around me. i became critical even, voicing out my thoughts in my heart.

another side of me, believed theres a reason that i'm going through everything that i am going through. where that small spark of faith still stood. where somehow, i gathered the strength to continue doing what i was supposed to do, and somehow, still able to find some sort of meaning to it (i hate doing things without knowing the reason behind them).

i was like a fish caught in a net, struggling hard to find a way out, but yet, knowing deep down it is impossible to do so. just fighting a losing battle. but yet, i still fought.

yet now, i think i'm losing the battle. but i am half relieved i am losing this battle. on the other hand, still fighting hard against reality without really knowing why. wanting to surrender...