
just ranting a bit here while i'm doing some work.

just like what i said on twitter, i think philosophy's such a deep and interesting topic to ponder and research on. i think God is such a creative God. His creative juices just keep flowing in all sorts of areas and its a wonder how did He create such a wide variety of things.

just take a look at philosophy. it is of the mind. but it affects generations and cultures. and its so interesting to see how diverse people can conceive of a certain situation. i believe every philosophy developed from a certain background, certain circumstance, that led them to believe and think and psycho themselves into thinking that way.

and how, in turn, it affects so many other people. but these people chose to, because they share the same beliefs.

while doing research and all, i cant help but think how very wise the Bible is. and i think there is no greater teacher than God himself, no greater teaching than the Bible itself. though its a book, but it has such rich content and words that can change lives. and it is kinda like a philosophy on its own. just that its more real, and its experiential.

and yup, it is what my essay will be based on. :)


you know you have those songs, that once you listen to them, they zap you into a certain state/emotion? yeah one of those nights. really nice to be in this state, in my own bubble. of music awesomeness.

recent events had me thinking. between character/personality, which would you choose? between oneself/the group, which would you choose?

i am a total advocate in being real. but if being real is at the expense of yourself and of people, then what value is there? i think in everything, we need to choose character. without a core belief and value system, it is hard to navigate through this life that we have. character is everything. and it shows heaps about a person.

when one's character is right, i think people can feel it.

but after everything, i still do believe in second chances. everyone needs second chances. no one can be successful in life with just the first shot. everyone needs the second/third/fourth chances to right every wrong.

but one has to prove to be repentant. and to realise the error of their ways. or else its hard to trust again.

i dont like things being so fast and all. so much so that im too carried away. i like to quieten down to think through things and reflect. these little periods of time is like a bath for me. cleaning myself of everything and go back to me.

i love visualizing and analyzing things. it is just me. if Situation A happened, i will think of reasons why it happened. like Number 1, Number 2, Number 3. then i'll think of possible solutions, Number 1, Number 2, Number 3. haha. i think my mind works in a very weird way.

my first december away from home.

december's always a month for me to be thankful and grateful for the life that i have. and i will still try to keep that little tradition of mine while i'm still here.

just a little lost these days.
but i guess we all need to go through these kinda things, to find yourself right? even though it can be a long journey.

everything's changing.

every single thing.

for once, let me have the courage.

and let me believe again.

i really need that.