
I finally caught a movie last night, after the longest time. 

I remember reading this book 2 years ago, after recommendation from JX. First read, it didn't leave anything much behind, but I finished the book understanding exactly how Charlie feels.

After watching the movie, I felt the same way. All these strong emotions and feelings, the movie touched a deep deep part of my heart. This quote touched me, as Patrick commented, "You see things, you understand. You're a wallflower." And Charlie replied, "Wow, I thought no one notices me."

More than relating with the nerdy part (gosh all the literature and books in the movie just excite me. Like them reading Mockingbird, and the teacher passes him The Great Gatsby etc), I understand how he became a wallflower, how he is always the observing one, how he is always the quiet one too.

Although it is pretty much a teenager kinda movie, with growing up phases, first kiss etc, but I think beyond all these, how he struggled with his losses and tragedies and how he emerged and overcame, I can deeply identify with it. 

And I know perhaps there's only one friend who can relate to me in this manner, like, trying to get what I'm saying. Haha. You know who you are. 

And then I messaged JX, I would only get attached to a guy who understands and relates to wallflower as deep as I can. Maybe I would set it as an entry exam of some sort. But after careful consideration, it means that such a guy is emotional, perhaps a little too sensitive. So... I take that back. Haha.