:) i was sooo touched okay.cos maybe today alot stuff happened and so i was emotionally unstable already and when i saw those smses i was sooo touched. :)thankyou thankyou.very much.
anyway.today we went for vertical marathon.haahaha.its still so wow that we actually finished.i was just surviving on God's strength seriously.i just kept praying and praying and we finished the race!i am so proud of you wongyingying! :)haaahahaha.ying copied me!hahaha.wearing the sama stuff again.lol!like we really love ahs or something.
128(ying) and 129(me!) finished the race!! :)
anyway.theres so many little little things in life that can make me feel so contented easily.its nice to see the world through love.haaaha.theres like so many things that when i look at it,it just brings a smile to my face.and it makes me really appreciate all the little things.like ytd,while going home,this little girl,her hands were full carrying a subway drink and stuff so i was behind her when i wanna enter the gate and she very sweetly used her leg to hold the gate open for me.i was like awww can.so nice! :)