heyoooo.i actually typed a very looong post about separation but then yujie said she really dont get what i meant so i saved it as draft.hahaha.
just that i'm loving my ipod man.its sucha great invention.
in anyway,went to chinatown for job stuff and then i think we are hired la huh?haa.didnt give us clues at all.
anyway,i went to british museum the other time right,then i saw the roman goddess venus.then it really striked[is there sucha word?or past tense of strike is stroked?hmmm.] me that venus is as imperfect as you and i can imagine.bigger feet than mine,definitely not flat tummy,not perfect shape,blahblah.but yet shes portrayed as the summit of beauty and love.the goddess everyone adores.add to the fact that she had extra marital affair with lots of people still.
then i was thinking why?then i started searching but i couldnt find anything.but then again,blame it on revolution of human's mindset that beauty is another thing altogether from that period of time till now.
so i realised maybe i'm transformed by this world too.beauty being skinny perfect sticklike figure.but maybe its not like that at all?but maybe i didnt research enough and maybe its the statue's fault but still.
muahahaha.subscribed to times thru yulan.its making me happy somehow.hahaha.