03:44:00hi, this has got to be the longest i've not blogged since the beginning of the year.
just thinking..
i remember watching The City, and this big shot was advising Whitney on some stuff. and she mentioned that, the most important relationship you can have in your whole life, is with yourself.
and that stuck with me.
because truth is, you practically live with this person 24/7, listening to this person's thoughts/feelings/emotions every single moment.
you gotta keep a healthy relationship with yourself. accept yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself, in order for you to have peace in your mind and to live things out to the fullest.
deal with insecurities issues, deal with inferior complexities, deal with pride, deal with ego. all boils down to the very relationship you have with yourself.
and having courage, having boldness, stepping out, faithfulness, because all of us has got 'that inner strength' in us to go the extra mile no matter what.
i guess why i care so much and why i pick so much is because i'm pretty much still dealing with things on the inside of me. we all are.
too much sleep is meddling with my thoughts and mind now, not good...
isnt it odd that being sick and having all the time to sleep, makes you even more tired?!
sigh. better get to sleep before it gets worst.