
12 random things:

1) today i randomly wore my jeans-unworn for almost 2 years. and i felt really good. haha. when was the last time you actually saw tingting in jeans huh? not black skinnies!

2) i've been randomly listening to old songs in my ipod. digging all those oldies. and it makes me very happy to know that some things really dont change.

3) i've also been randomly listening to the radio for 15mins before i sleep every night. it reminds me of my childhood and it makes me really happy. esp when they play songs from the 90s.

4) i also randomly send funny smses to my sis every now and then. haha. though she wont reply.

5) oh and our property agent just randomly told me, she helped me calculate my fortune. and apparently i'll marry a super rich husband and i'll live a very good life next time. hahaha. it left me feeling very amused for the rest of the night. lol.

6) i am finishing my 9th book and its by far the most gruesome book i've ever read. and am alr making a mental list on what to read next.

7) and my mind has been randomly reminding me of all those people that i havent gave a birthday present yet. theres five people on the list. and theres more to come if i dont get down to clear it.

8) after a short hiatus, i've randomly decided to use my organiser again. it pleases me so much to see it filled with purple and pink writing.

9) nowadays, alot of things run through my mind before i sleep each night. how i wish they can all randomly be solved.

10) assignments and projects have been randomly filling my timetable. its scaring me.

11) omg and i'm like randomly watching 搞笑行动 with my cousin now!

12) i hope i can make a random visit to muji soon to stock up on my pens. they have this amazing ability to motivate me to do things faster and nicer.