was reading a book today.and i was laughing at this cos it was pretty direct and straight forward and what i am feeling exactly.
"whats wrong with that job you got, anyhow?"
i pictured the sales office, the steel desks, the dim, fluorescent lights.
"i didnt want to be ordinary."
hahaaaha.thats why i was so reluctant to apply for admin jobs or some data entry or sales promoter or some retail job,because i feel that theres not much breakthroughs needed and i wont be able to experience a whole new industry or have something extra that excites me,that opens and widens my eyes.office jobs are boring.
but well,after so many months of vain 'labour' in finding jobs,i give up.haaaha.alot people keep asking why am i slacking away and stuff,but eh,the truth is,i sent out thousands (exaggerating) of emails and resumes to various media related companies okay!aiya,but just that maybe the timing not right.so forget it.haha.
i was offered quite good admin jobs today.sent my resume over and waiting for reply.hee.one of them really excites and makes me go wow. :)
tomorrow,which in fact,is today,is my grandpa's 49th day.so my mum is going to the temple and all.yeah.cant believe time passed just like that.but i'm glad i DID make progress.haaaaha.
another para from the book which was quite interesting:
"divorce" in latin:in truth, it comes from "divertere", which means "to divert".
i believe that.all divorce does is divert you, taking you away from everything you thought you knew and everything you thought you wanted and steering you into all kinds of other stuff, like discussions about your mother's girdle and whether she should marry someone else.