i was buying contact lens solution for xiaoting today.the guy who served me actually didnt do much but somehow,he touched me in a deep way.
he wasnt goodlooking at all,his complexion wasnt very good,his hair wasnt the in style,in another words,hes not very eloquent,just not your prince charming type.way off from it.but hes real polite and patient when teaching his staff.
but then,this image just for a moment,warmed my heart so so much.i just suddenly feel the love for him,in a godly way.and it just struck me that its so amazing that we can learn something from everyone.each and every person you pass by,you can actually learn something from them.they have something you dont,something which can edify you.
for a moment,truly understood why each of us is so precious.even though there may be billions of people on this earth,take heart that you are 1/10000000000 and that you have that something that people can learn from and is just so uniquely yours.
its like through all these small little things God was speaking and telling me.and sometimes when i am walking alone,looking and studying all the people around me,my heart just break,theres such a desire to give altar call and see them getting saved.
and God told me today,tingting,start by your friends,spread this love.
i walked out of the shop in such anticipation.i believe in a divine love that will change the world. :)