well i got the not very pretty 15 but everyone in the world seems to be getting it.hahaha.
though i was a bit bit disappointed by not meking it nearer to the ten side,but well,i am very very satisfied.cos what i prayed about all came to pass.like for you guys who know me that day when we got our chinese results i really did have a shock of my life getting b3 whereas everyone is getting an a1.i was so hurt actually but i did remain strong and thought it was God's will so let it be.
well of course there will be people opposing you all the time when you are in God's will so when i insisted and persisted in my HCL,lots of criticism and hurtful remarks were thrown my way.i can never forget how sun li made me cry that afternoon by saying so so hurtful stuff about my chinese.but actually,the harder she tried to make me fall that time,the stronger i wanted to comeback.i'll always remember she said the best i can do for my Os was c5.i was so determined that i started showing results and
i got an a1 for my higher chinese.i cant tell you how happy i am i cant tell you how touched i am.it is really that true that once you really trust God,everything flows.i only expected like a b3 but God did so much more than that.i actually proved sun li's theory wrong and on that day,i can see she was really quite touched and relieved that i really prove her wrong..it was such an emo ride to the a1.
AND my maths.honestly from primary school till now my stronghold has always been maths.i love maths more than anything like seriously.so when my maths really didnt do well in upper sec i was like puzzled.hahaha.ya.i was like getting zeros or ones with ying and huiying and we can just laugh it off that kind.
and ms lim actually asked a very qian bian question in front of the whole class that am i a christian then i said ya.then she replied,you dont behave like one.at that moment it was like a big BANG to wake me up you know.what a bad example i'm setting to people around me!it was so so bad.so during the last few weeks and months i really pia i can tell you i really did.it was like an obsession to do maths really.i think i did like half of the tenyearseries which really is an achievement considering i really did know how to do every single one of it.(thanks to xiaoting's torturous methods of redoing and redoing till i'm correct)and i achieved my a1s for both amaths and emaths.to think i was like a goner in amaths like really then i got a1.its really so very amazing.
and i was really the last in class or second last in physics in practically every test and exam and i'm not kidding.but i managed to get a b3 for it and i'm happy already.
15 is really not a glorious result but i wont get all moody or sad cos i know theres a purpose for it since i already did my very best.but well,its really nice to know that you can totally trust someone and not worry about not doing well and stuff.cos no matter what result i get back is not gonna change what i wanna do with my life anyway.
theres always a way out.
and xiaoting if you are reading this..i really think i've learnt a lot of things from you and i think its really cool la.cos i just remember what you taught me like you said very long ago that when you were in sec sch,you used to see meiyan doing stuff and you dont understand but you'll do it anyway but you prayed to have her mindset.and you know..after hearing that it impacted me alot alot.i realised its so important to have the same mindset.so i prayed too that i'll see what you see and have your mindset so i'll understand and carry it out willingly.and now i can say theres something changing inside of me like never before and i am truly starting to understand alot of things which i didnt in the past.and its so cool lor.like..all these little things actually really can learn alot from it.i can list forever what little things i did pick up from you man.it goes on and on.hahaha.so thank you very much for always dropping things for me to learn!
i dont understand envy i dont understand why cant we be happy for each other.as simple as that with no complications.is it really that hard to be happy for your friends?