sleeping with the light on.
14:10:00theres seriously at least three houses under renovations now around my block. or at least i can constantly hear three drills drilling away freely. and one hammering away.
and i've been feeling so arghhh till just when i decided to just pop the pills.
ranting ranting ranting.
Along she came, with her picture,
Put it in a frame, so I won't miss her,
Got on a plane, from London; Heathrow,
It seems such a shame, yea..
I feel her. Slipping through my fingers,
Now she's gone, I'm sleeping with the light on,
And shocks went through my veins now, that she's gone,
I'm sleeping with the light on...
Put it in a frame, so I won't miss her,
Got on a plane, from London; Heathrow,
It seems such a shame, yea..
I feel her. Slipping through my fingers,
Now she's gone, I'm sleeping with the light on,
And shocks went through my veins now, that she's gone,
I'm sleeping with the light on...
haha. this used to be my fave song back in busted days.
would replay the video the whole day and not get tired of it.
but i somehow lost my busted cd. :(
must be ard somewhere!
it was a bday present i requested from candy and the girls i think. lol.