mayday's new album:
their previous album:
so they ditched those military jackets/army boots/army prints for these relaxed sneakers/tshirt look.
hmmm. i'm quite sad cos i absolutely loved them in their military gear. haha. (who can forget the red military jacket ah xin wore in 香水's mv + his hair = droolsss)
and whenever they have their concert, they all make a majestic entrance with their boots and all. and halfway through, ah xin will be feeling super hot, so he'll always take the jacket off. lol.
so they are going in the boyish look once again instead of the polished and 帅 look.. they totally prove the point that age doesnt matter. haha. so i guess can pretty much predict their style in this album.
but really! i'm gonna miss their military stuff! they looked sooooo good in them!
aiya, but thats not the point.
the point is that,
album will be out in SIX days!
cant wait to read/listen to them again.
need a new tune. lu guang zhong is starting to sound bland. haha.
i'm prepared to be amazed once again. :)
(btw its so easy to fall in love with them again. whenever i feel that i'm starting to stray, i'll just youtube any of the videos, and immediately, i'll just fall in love with them again. totally cool man. cos ultimately, ah xin is still my first love. lol.)