its irritating not to update your blog and its over the two-days limit already so i shall blog.hahaha.
and omg i feel so stupid can.i was marking several pics on my hp to send over to the laptop and accidentally pressed the 'delete marked pics' button then..i deleted all la!we took like..twenty over pics today but now left 15!hahaha.and yes yulan,that includes all your pics with jp and john and your lego.lol.so sorry..
AND this is the first bbq i handled without any yulan or ying's help okay.so its only me and juanjie all the way so it was pretty funny cos we seriously know nothing about anything.hahaha.i finally got to know how to do alot things.haha.like how to cut a garlic.and its such an experience seriously.its so fun too!haha.(btw its because i think i heard garlic for ginger cos i dont think you need garlic in marinating right?hahaha.)
cheewee demostrating how to cut garlic to me!haha!i'm a girl can.then a guy teaching me how to do all these stuff.haha.
we fired alot of photographers while taking this shot.but its still quite unsuccessful i guess?hahaha.very funny la.
eh still got alot more one lor..but..haha.so sorry man yulan.hahaha.
omg my fingers still smell of the chicken wings!no i think its all the ma you oyster sauce and garlic thing.haha.
and nowadays i'm really confused between
learned and learnt
passed and past.