hahaha.some pictures first. angel and ying and john cheo while queueing.i think they were trying to create the alot-of-people effect.haha.
me and ying with rainft!haha.i still think his name is so unique.
yay with julian!haha!hes the tallest.lol.
eh i like this picture alot somehow.haha.yulan and valerie and me.haha!
haaha.yeah emerge is over..so fast la.it has been so physically draining and i realised i actually fell asleep a little while watching POS on the first night.haha.so ytd when SIM/SMU performed i was like huh?got this part meh? hahaha!
ytd's finale was so great lor..and i just used all my strength and energy left to keep jumping and praising God and that kinda feeling rocks man.haaa.and ytd when we all knelt down..the feeling was so overwhelming.and so precious..
i felt so contented and happy just standing there and worshipping God..its seriously better than attending mayday's concert a hundred and thousand times.its like a hole there that can only be filled by God..
well ytd i was taking 17 back home from bedok interchange.haha!i really really miss taking 17 lor.i was sitting at the seat i used to sit everyday to school..haha.and i realised i have been taking 17 for the past 5 years!haha.(eh and right,i think i did grow taller cos ytd the legs there the space very limited not like last time.haha!)
and the feeling is so weird lor..remember last time this girl with ahs uniform and my big adidas bag sitting there and around the 4th stop i'll fall asleep all the way to school.haha.then along the way,familiar people will board the bus etc etc.or using the 30min-45min bus ride to pia all the notes into my head last-minutely for the test later..and when huiying will occasionally decide to take 17 with me i'll sms her the bus plate number.haaha.
then ytd like this grown-up girl sitting on the same seat but so different from last time..and how alot of my thinking and stuff changed from the last time i sat there.
and right..alot things changed lor.like theres this new sheltered walkway at that bus stop etc.
it was a pretty weird bus ride home.haha.
and i finally got chance to sleep for 13 hours!haha.so shuang.