HAHAHA.yay!some pictures!so you wont get bored.hahaha. :)
hahaha!with jp!i realised i have alot pictures with him.hahaha.AND!his belt got i love you one okay!lol.
hahaha!actually i posted this up because i think ying's pose very funny.haha.like fantastic 4 that guy with long legs and hands.haha. hahaha!huiying extra can hahaha supposed to be tp only!haha.
yay!3rd! :)
hahaha!this is so lame man.our ben and jerry's vouchers.haaahaha.
vivo city!kinda cool in the rain.haha.yulan's finger.
eh this is so funny.haha.in the end the picture turned out weird weird but kinda artistic!hahaha.
in the bus going expo!haha!
cell group picture.haha.if you get me.
hahaha!wah i did one of the most unusual thing today i went out to eat with my mama and her friends!haha!and i thought it was pretty cool..
they were like talking how they were looking forward to the holidays but then its gonna be over so soon.then they going back to their schools and all and must ren those people again that kinda thing.haaa.btw,they are pri sch teachers.haha.
and when i was listening to them i was pretty amazed.cos here are they..middle age or even like my mum,50+ almost half of their lives gone.and they are still pretty much lost and without any purpose in their lives.going through life as if its like a must-do.and at the end of the day,looking forward to that paycheck only.
half of their lives gone..and what have they accomplished?its pretty sad to say that the answer is,nothing very significant.
just going through the motion..
the whole world is screaming for Jesus.