ppr witht th vwls.


i really like The Hills opening. it kinda makes me v happy to watch it.
i really like Lauren and Whitney as well. i think they are soo prettyyyyyyyy. and they have nice clothessssssss.

after not watching GG for so long, i completely catch nothing.
but i am still very much in love with Serena's hair though. it all falls nicely just at all the right places.

and on monday, i'll have 3 new nail polish colours that sound exciting and happening. yay!

(no it doesnt sound bimbotic at all i know what you are thinking.)

does any of you can even guess what the title is about?? lol!
it kept me amused for quite some time of the day.


i dont need popularity, i dont need to have alot alot alot of friends.
i dont need alot of attention, i dont need to talk alot.
i dont need to have a super happening life, i dont need to line my schedule up with parties and outings.

even as i realised things.. saw things..
these things irk me even more.. makes me even more repulsive.

no i dont need all that. thank you very much.

i'll be happy enough with a good book at home.
i'll be happy enough with a handful of real friends who'll stick with me thru thick and thin.
i'll be happy enough to just sit at the table laughing with my sister.

i'll be happy enough with God everyday of my life.