theres loads of stuff that happened the past couple of weeks.
1) Liverpool's match.

alvin and his friend totally bought popcorn for the match from leisure park. which amused me alot. haha. well the match.. had alot of 感触. would have loved it more if gerrard was there. (that banner with 'what do you mean gerrard is not coming?' is srsly cool). and thank goodness i found a liverpool jersey like, the night before. and so glad my sis was with me as well. met lots of new people!
well all i can say that at the beginning it was really awkward. cos from my experience, the KOP end is NEVER quiet. it is ALWAYS in cheers and chants. but in singapore, it was completely quiet till i almost fell asleep and nod off in the first half. reminded me so much of my liverpool match 3-4yrs ago. me crying in the crowd and singing together YNWA. its alot of difference.
but then again.. its singapore. i still had goosebumps when we all sang in the end though. and i m pretty sad didnt really cheer gerrard's cheer. but well.. thats why i love london and liverpool so much. I WILL GO BACK SOON!
2) xiaoting's 21st (ahem).
the unpublished, behind-the-scene pictures:

yep thats us all chionging and going crazy signing 15 cards. and thats kt who wanted a personal pic of him signing the cards very hardworkingly.
love this bunch of people. :)

spot the difference! can you see something amiss? haha.
3) caryn's 21st. (this one really 21st).

will do a proper post for you la k. haha. but yeah it was a fun night. :)
has been ages since i last went sentosa. and shumin + zy totally made my day. they are so blur and so funny at the same time. haha.
missing: Lee Muiwei.
and caryn. you pretty pretty on ur celebration la. hahaha. paper curls and super nice eyesss.. haha. seriously ah. you look so different when you dress up!

random. but i really like the sea at night! its so calm and.. peaceful.
4) random.

look at those shoes!! omg! jak&jil (anw got mirror on top one la. haha.)
1) Liverpool's match.

alvin and his friend totally bought popcorn for the match from leisure park. which amused me alot. haha. well the match.. had alot of 感触. would have loved it more if gerrard was there. (that banner with 'what do you mean gerrard is not coming?' is srsly cool). and thank goodness i found a liverpool jersey like, the night before. and so glad my sis was with me as well. met lots of new people!
well all i can say that at the beginning it was really awkward. cos from my experience, the KOP end is NEVER quiet. it is ALWAYS in cheers and chants. but in singapore, it was completely quiet till i almost fell asleep and nod off in the first half. reminded me so much of my liverpool match 3-4yrs ago. me crying in the crowd and singing together YNWA. its alot of difference.
but then again.. its singapore. i still had goosebumps when we all sang in the end though. and i m pretty sad didnt really cheer gerrard's cheer. but well.. thats why i love london and liverpool so much. I WILL GO BACK SOON!
2) xiaoting's 21st (ahem).
the unpublished, behind-the-scene pictures:
yep thats us all chionging and going crazy signing 15 cards. and thats kt who wanted a personal pic of him signing the cards very hardworkingly.
love this bunch of people. :)

spot the difference! can you see something amiss? haha.
3) caryn's 21st. (this one really 21st).
will do a proper post for you la k. haha. but yeah it was a fun night. :)
has been ages since i last went sentosa. and shumin + zy totally made my day. they are so blur and so funny at the same time. haha.
missing: Lee Muiwei.
and caryn. you pretty pretty on ur celebration la. hahaha. paper curls and super nice eyesss.. haha. seriously ah. you look so different when you dress up!
random. but i really like the sea at night! its so calm and.. peaceful.
4) random.

look at those shoes!! omg! jak&jil (anw got mirror on top one la. haha.)

was looking thru this architecture blog (from jx's). and wow i totally fell in love with this house's concept. haha. look at those shelves! and the river and its totally a loft which is super comfy and all la. like a private hideout.
5) really random.
you know what do i wish for now?
to pack my luggage with all 7 HP books, and jet off somewhere beachy.
with a nice comfy chair by the seaside outside the hotel/resort room.
with frozen fruit juices/punches beside me.
with the sun shining down but 蒙蒙胧胧 that kind.
seriously rereading HP books, leaves me in awe of how genius Rowling is. she thought of every plot and detail right from the beginning of the books. and everything just worked out perfectly in the end!
i really need and want a good break to feed my soul again. i feel as if my soul is being sucked into all sorts of things. and i need to find myself once again.. you know? that kinda feeling..
i need time alone.
nowadays it feels like its so noisy outside it gets overwhelming on the inside.
and thats why i love coming home to an empty house.
and also why i cant wait to move and get my own room..
6) meetup.
met up with E last week. talked for hours in Mcdonalds.
saw how much she grew from the beginning of the year.
thanks for being so truthful and honest with me.
thanks for listening as well.. :)
it is really hard sometimes, to even find people who understand. and whom can identify with you. so thanks for being that some one. :)
theres still alot of stuff that happened. but yeah. gonna do it another day.
lots of birthdays coming up.. = -money. :(