you know nowadays.i'm so easily affected.i feel heavy all the time.i feel lost,i feel undecided.at times, i even dont want to face reality.
you know they say, 'chase after your dreams'.
these few days, let me tell you, i've felt a pinch of that feeling.
i've been chasing my dream.i am chasing my dream.
these few days, God has been so good.
there were so many times i dont know what to do, i cried and cried and God just showed up.
just now i was just sitting there, feeling overwhelmed,and heavy hearted again.i stopped all that i was doing, grab a notebook and my bible and i just told God everything, i talked to him, told him how afraid i am.and tears just flowed down my cheeks.
yes i do love God.
there'll come a point in your life, that you'll realise.
He cares the most, He loves you the most, He understands you the most, He sees your passion burning like no one does, He sees your desires and dreams, He sees your broken heart and cries with you, He is just there with you.
i was sitting there, crying, scared. and God was there. His presence. it broke my heart.
it is just a love.so overwhelming.
that reaches out to your deepest sorrow, and begins to heal. it is not pushy. it is gentle. when everything just fits perfectly.
the most comforting thing is that, He understands. and He is God, what can He not do?
i know you will be there for me.