
“十字军从东方凯旋 献上最美的诗篇
你的魔法爱情的霸权 为你臣服为你捍卫”

so what does it mean?its 香水 by 五月天.

i wiki-ed it and i realised that it means "Crusades".

wow and i learnt so much.

part of why Crusades were started because the Muslims got more and more successful in conquering Middle East and North Africa, and eventually, one of the heads ordered for destruction of the places which included Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the ground it stands is the Hill of Calvary where Jesus was crucified, died, buried.

and so, the crusaders set out to retake the Holy Land, staging wars against the Muslims.

and this was where 'remission of sins' was much debated, where some thought that by retaking Jerusalem, they would go straight to heaven.

some thought that if they die fighting for Jerusalem, they'll have the 'remission of sins'. which had a bit of controversy in it because it means that if they succeeded in retaking, they wont be able to claim it.

so in modern times, basically 'crusade' means campaigns to 'root out evil'.

okay,my whole point of this whole post (a bit too much to take in hor) is that,isnt it amazing? that..the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, they are all so precious.

that you dont need debates,you dont need to go to war now,you dont need all the chaos, to receive this precious gift.contrary to what people believed then.

now,we only need to believe, then we can have the everlasting life like what John 3:16 said.
