


回家旅途上,很努力的想找首歌来形容自己复杂的心情,却看到 ipod 里满满的情歌,心里一阵烦。怎么在这时候会有人唱着爱情的开始与离别?眼睁睁一条生命快没了,怎么还会有人唱着情情爱爱的歌??















this came through my mail, a Max Lucado subscription.and i think its really heart-warming and true:

"When desperation typhoons into your world, God’s offer of a free flight home demands a second look. John 3:16 morphs from a nice verse into a life vest.

Some of you are wearing it. You can recount the day you put it on. These words have kept you company through multiple windswept winters. I pray they warm you through the ones that remain."

i like the image of a 'life vest'.and so often,it is so true.

somehow,i feel in my heart that i'm being prepared for something.just that something that's gonna happen.i've no idea what.but just that.

anyhow,a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my darling jiaxin!haaha.okay.sorry i didnt drop a sms.cos i'm pretty pissed by my phone nowadays i just dont feel like touching it.your s-u-r-p-r-i-s-e is ooonnnn the wayyy!hahaha.but it may take some time yeah!and i'm sure you'll be reading this.haha.you are one of the silent readers around.

and yes,while bathing just now,i realised i talk to myself alot.like really alot.and all the time.and nowadays my fave topic with myself is trying to think of a perfect blog post to end this year.and how i'll evaluate this year.no idea why i'm 3 months ahead.haha.and i'll argue within myself.haha.

maybe cos nowadays i'm running over what happened this year alot.and what i've learned from the various events.

its pretty cool to reflect.

and,not being pessimistic in any way.but i just feel that my grandpa wont survive this year round.he can hardly talk now.with all those tubes stuffed into his throat.and his stomach is like,huge.

i dont know what to say..but.its really miles away from his past.happy seeing me visiting him again and such.

well,lesson learnt: drinking is really really bad for your health.

heyhey youyou.

just wanna blog about random stuff.
really random.

1) like,last week i was eating satay.and you know,theres always cucumbers and onions at the side?but we always refuse to eat it.(at least,for me.) and yeah..my mum bought satay frm east coast for me last week,and i was complaining to her i dont want the cucumbers,and she was like,just try eating a few slices,treat it like a fruit.

and i unwilling tried it,with lots and lots of satay sauce.and i realised..it tasted pretty good!seriously good.its crunchy and fresh.

2) its really nice to joke around and talk with your mum.i couldnt do it back then. its such a chore for me.but i replaced all the bad thoughts with good ones slowly and man,now whenever i see my mum do stuff,i'll be like, "thats so her!so cute!".hahaha. (eg. the habit of using her hands to sweep away all the dirt on her bed before sleeping even though no one touched her bed at all.)

so the moral of the story is.sometimes,a lot of things,it requires effort and energy to turn and change our mindset.like cucumbers can be really yummy.and rebellion can be changed to joking around.

theres always 360 degrees to every point.there can be 360 ways to look at each and every thing in our life too.

so dont give up!keep keeping on.the stuff that you are studying now may be precious knowledge that you may require in the future. :)

i was dreaming yesterday..

about how we have this fab house,with pretty interiors and with sunlight streaming into the house,so warm and welcoming.

and every night,my dad will tuck me to sleep and my mum will read me a goodnight story.and i'll fall asleep so peacefully.

every morning,my mum will draw my curtains and let the pretty sunlight shine on my just-awakened face.and the whole family will gather at the dining table and have good breakfast together,complete with french toast,eggs,and a cup of milk.

and every evening when everyone comes home,we'll wash up and complete our day's work while waiting for dinner to be served.we'll gather around the dining table again,laughing the day away and eating delicious dinner whipped up by my mum.

after dinner,we'll all gather in front of the tv and watch our fave tv programmes,while telling each other our problems we encountered during the day.then,one by one,we go to sleep.

and even if one of us does something wrong,my parents will teach her in a peaceful and acceptable way,understanding that children do need space too.

and we'll continue to live without a care,happily ever after.

but happily ever after doesnt really exist in reality.in the end i woke up and realised its all a dream.it'll be really cool if my 'dream can come true'.

its torturous and so unloving here.

but well,i made a decision deep in my heart that i'll always be forgiving and optimistic.

when i die,i want to be remembered as being the most optimistic girl that my friends ever know.well,its hard.but its this small little determination in my heart that keeps me going.

thank You. :)

anyhow,i learned something new today!

i was reading a book and there was 'sceptical'.but i remembered 'skeptical' instead.and i realised they are actually two same words too!hahaha.a bit lag la.but ya.better late than never ma!

skeptic looks nicer!haha.

SLEEEEEPPP! i shall adjust my body clock back to normal timings again.

goodbye to unhealthy lifestyle! :)

hello fellow noonims,hyungs and even ahjussi(s) and ahjumma(s)! :)

sorry.caught the korean fever.korean is like so nice la!but no,i still dont feel like visiting korea.haha.

btw,the above four ailen words the meaning is as follow: noonim is a word for girls,dont know the meaning. hyung is used when you consider the opposite is real brother.ahjussi is to address guys older than you. ahjumma is for older women. :) cool hor!

and,i think i'm really crazy.due to the excessive korean 'coffee prince' that i'm watching,sometimes i realise i listen to korean more than chinese/english in a day.so,today when i went orchard,seriously everyone seems to be speaking korean.

as in,up until the point i called cally and asked if koreans are on vacaation or something.i heard at least 13people speaking in korean in far east,and i'm not even kidding!

then i realised i must be imagining things.haaha.its pretty funny.

so my whole point in this post is,well..i've caught the korean fever again!after goong and da chang jin.hahaha. :)


i just realised 4 days ago,its my 2nd anniversary spent with Jesus.heeee.it seems like ages but its only two years.still got eternity to go. :)

anyway,i thought today was a good day spent.i helped my mum out in some stuff and its real satisfying to hear your mum praise you!haaha.and then i spent some good time reading up on the free gift that time sent me.its a book on 'exploring the unexplained'.its really exciting!at first i only wanted to flip through but i ended up reading almost half of it.

and,i was reading their articles on spiritual matters like supernatural healings,casting out of demons,exorcism etc. (anyway even Benny Hinn and Oral Roberts were mentioned!) and i was kinda amused by it.

you see,science has got people so divided.and sometimes,i find it real amazing.it always tries to prove things with methods in the scientific way.and when some stuff (eg, laying of hands,supernatural healings) happened and cant be explained,it gets really angry and blames everything on man's own psychological and mental state.

for example,they were rather divided in the area of supernatual healings,and they blamed it on the "placebo effect",where one gets healed when his belief in a cure translate into actual improvement.

i dont know why but i think its really funny how some people really are desperate to prove things in a "earthly way",if not,they'll blame it on some unknown or unexplained mental state one is in.

and that got me thinking why.cos i always believe that no matter how advance technology is,and how scientists are getting more pro in 'psychology' and theres even people willing to pay big bucks to study psychology,theres always a limit and up to a point where all these 'sciences' can prove.just like how i cant possibly know what you are exactly thinking right now.(unless theres some really super invention that can read people's minds that i dont know of)

and thats probably the reason why these skeptics try all means and ways to prove believers wrong,and when they fail,they point to man's own mindset and their psychological state.

oh,and i just realised,even 'psychology' is a type of science.

well,just to share what i've been thinking about all night.its really interesting to note how this world always want 'truth' and the 'real reason' behind everything and all the things that are happening on our dear planet earth.they just simply cant leave anything unexplained.

its so interesting!hee.

i shall sleep now.chorus board training tomorrow. :) goodnight!


well,God really does wonders sometimes.today before cell group i was actually very free and i didnt want to spend my time sleeping away so i thought that i should just spend the time praying myself up for cell and just to spend time with God.

for that short period of time it was so amazing.how i just confessed everything and then felt His presence so strongly and tears was like flowing nonstop.it has been quite some time that His presence was so tangible to me during my own time with Him.so yes,just to encourage you guys that we should all expect something from God everytime we do our qt and He really sees our hearts and answers them. :)

AND!something really exciting happened!

i finally got to the bottom of the mystery of 'learned' and 'learnt'!!
i was like,so troubled by it that i actually went to research about it.

the truth is,theres actually no difference between learnt and learned.

things that i've found:

-Learned and learnt are basically the same. They are both used as the past tense form and past participle of "learned".
-American speakers mostly use "learned" for the past and the verbal past participle, while "learned" and "learnt" share roughly equal among British speakers.

and there was actually an American guy who commented that in his part of town,"learnt" and "spelt" are seldom used,but while they are pronouncing the word,they often use 't' to end the word cos it sounds more alive.

wow!isnt it cool??and for 17 years i didnt know!

plus!i love national geographic and discovery channel!they are my fave channels nowadays.

i was watching the tornados documentary and man!those guys are so daring!they drive straight into the action!as close as my house to pasir ris mrt!considering that tornados travel at 300miles/hour,its really quite something!

and they wanted to deploy this device to shoot some pictures of the inside of the tornado and another instrument to measure the biometric pressure inside the tornado or something like that.

and they discovered they were only 82 seconds away from death after they collected the instruments!i was really wowing at the tv while watching just now!like WOW.

tornados is one of the most spectacular but devastating natural disaster to ever hit our dear planet earth man.the speed and how houses are torn apart was mind-blowing!and the best of all is that those people spent THREE YEARS trying to wait and plan for the perfect timing and condition for those images!and just for a couple of hours! wow!

and to end this post!

20 of this plant can refresh the air in the average house in just 24 hours:

it is the spider plant!yay!buy more of this for your house next time!it proved to absorb lots of carbon monoxide too! :)

learning new things is like fun fun fun!