thinking about the ones lost, the ones gained, the ones who got away, the ones let go...
listened to a sermon earlier. he said, we reminiscence about the 'good old days'.
but we fail to realize, aging makes us forget the 'bad' in the 'good old days'.
there's a reason why they left,
there's a reason why they are not here anymore,
there's a reason why we've moved on with our lives,
there's a reason why we are where we are today.
do we really want to turn back time and relive certain periods of our lives?
would we have the wisdom we have now to correct a mistake then if we turned back time?
what would change if we have chosen differently?
what would change ... where we are now. who are the ones with us now.
what would change?
where we are now ...
is it a result of wise decisions we've made, or we simply just let life live without us living in it?
many have left, many have moved on, many are no longer with us.
isn't it a funny feeling to know that they were part of us?
and somehow, the winds of life blow people apart such that we look at each other now and feel a strange sense of unfamiliarity yet backed with such a subtle sense of closeness.
these people ... they might not come back into our lives anymore.
and we will continue our lives living in distances that will only grow larger.
and by a stroke of coincidence, we will meet one day on the streets.
and realise ... hey we've all changed.
i will keep those dear to me even dearer to me.
- 02:31:00