Dislike Countdowns.
22:57:00Yes as the title goes, I dislike countdowns. 1) I do not want to squeeze with the masses, go drink, clubbing etc because I hate crowds and I hate feeling hot and sticky. 2) spending it at someone's house counting down seems out of the question now that almost all of them have moved on. 3) get tired of needing to put on a mask and just go out for the sake of going out.
Countdowns have lost its meaning to me. I miss the old days and times when it used to be a few dear ones doing random stuff. But now it seems like everything's changed and also everyone has their +1 to care for.
2011 has been great and I do not want to do anything that I don't feel like on the last day of the year.
So guess what? Yes. I'm going home to an empty house and just be totally ztt for the night without needing to care about anything. :)