01:57:00i've all along been very excited about fashion. guess i'm not those woahh fashion week/models/new collection etc kinda 'into' fashion, but just excited about being exposed to new ideas. but well, which girl isnt right?!
and i guess that was why i wanted to go to apparel design initially. but hmmm not my calling after all. hahaha.
and, i've always have alot of opinions about the clothes to wear/not to wear. normally on different situations i'm not that kind who'll voice out my opinion or feel strongly about something, but this is one area that i have my strong beliefs and ideas. (and i am always criticizing everyone on the streets on what they wear secretly in my heart, its my hobby. of course there are some i want to learn from, but in sg, hard to find!)
thus when a couple of years ago we all ventured into fashion bloggers era, i started following a few of them. and seen how each of them grew throughout. and some of them really have a special place in my heart. like i'll always yearn to look like them! (of course not being someone else la, but i really like their style) and i realised, i've collected more than 1000 pics in my comp!
i can just spend hoursssssss looking through all the pictures and visualizing myself in them, where can i get the exact pieces, how can i match the clothes in such a way etc. haha.
sigh. actually theres no point in this post la. just that i really wish i was a millionaire so i can just order away online and have awesome clothes :( but then again, if i was a millionaire, i wouldnt be tingting already. lol.
soooooooo i was making lots of mental notes about what clothes to still get to survive through winter in Wuhan. thats pretty much my motivation of going. thinking of that certain type of coat/knee high socks (oh yes i'm gonna wear that in china cos its not sg right?! lol!)/jeans etc. haha.
life's so exciting with pretty clothes! :D