you know, august marks the month that i'm officially 1 year in chorus board. still remember last year when i said i wanted to join, xiaoting was asking, you sure a not? haha.
but i guess it has been a greaatttt journey. more than i can imagine. christmas, easter, FOP, and so many more. made some great friends as well.
maybe because its holidays. so i'm in a very 'evaluating' mood. seeing how the past 7 months have been. lots of encounters/ experiences in a different way. be it friends around me, or me.
not so much of a 'feeling' year. it has been a 'testing' year. tested how i trusted God when i couldnt see my future ahead. and tested just how much i love God. and many situations, my reactions to it. last year was more of a 'feeling' year. emotions, thoughts, hurts.
maybe its me la. but i realised, as i grow older, things that happened are so much more happening. i think the events that happened this year or last year, more than equalled all that happened in 16 years.
okay la. a bit duh. since theres this taking more responsibility of your life kinda thing once you enter 17.
and it dawned on me, how close i am to really being an adult.
soon, there wont be mama to run to anymore. and soon, i got to learn to be financially independent. my sister became independent quite young, around 20. i'm so so far from being even financially stable.
i think this stage is pretty interesting. how each of us start to detach ourselves slowly from the supporting pillar and build an empire of our own.
i'm going to be super rich in the future. :)
better start being good friends with me now okay. hahaha.