just now was watching the news. if you have cable, every channel is talking about the earthquake now.
seriously it was so saddening, hearing stories after stories, tragedies after tragedies. the worst thing is that so many kids were affected. every individual has got a sad story to tell. whats devastating is that, all these will definitely puncture the atmosphere there.. how can people now still have hope and joy and peace?
just now i saw how this little boy begged three hospitals to cure him and still keep his right hand for him because he wants to study and hold a pen still. but the doctor told him he cant keep his life without amputating his hands. so saw his expression, and his parents'.
and seriously it was just stories after stories that you cant help but winch in your seat and more than thanking God you are alive, it is more like..you'll feel, why like that?why such a big difference?
seriously its like so different. there its like hell, here we feel sad, but life still continues. isnt it ironic in itself? :(