18:11:00“The most beautiful discovery true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” – Elizabeth Foley
-stolen from jx's blog.
what an impactful quote.
been pondering this topic as of late, the topic of friends.
what is its definition, who they are, what are they supposed to do etc. but most importantly, my take on them. while reflecting that day, and thinking about all the different friends i've got, i cant help but realise, how each of us has grown into our skin, separately, but somehow bounded together by this 'friends' word.
if you ask me, friends is a very diverse word. it can mean so many things on so many different levels. anyone and anything can be 'friends' with you. but on a closer proximity, how do i really feel?
what if there are things that you dont agree with?
and what if there are things you wish havent changed?
and what if things just stayed the same as it was, how would things be different now?
was reconsidering alot of things. which left me pretty much confused as to what i want. sometimes the more 'grown up' you are, your mind tends to be more messed up.
but i ended with one conclusion in mind, that time will tell.
and time will tell too, if that quote stands.