02:08:00you know you have those songs, that once you listen to them, they zap you into a certain state/emotion? yeah one of those nights. really nice to be in this state, in my own bubble. of music awesomeness.
recent events had me thinking. between character/personality, which would you choose? between oneself/the group, which would you choose?
i am a total advocate in being real. but if being real is at the expense of yourself and of people, then what value is there? i think in everything, we need to choose character. without a core belief and value system, it is hard to navigate through this life that we have. character is everything. and it shows heaps about a person.
when one's character is right, i think people can feel it.
but after everything, i still do believe in second chances. everyone needs second chances. no one can be successful in life with just the first shot. everyone needs the second/third/fourth chances to right every wrong.
but one has to prove to be repentant. and to realise the error of their ways. or else its hard to trust again.
i dont like things being so fast and all. so much so that im too carried away. i like to quieten down to think through things and reflect. these little periods of time is like a bath for me. cleaning myself of everything and go back to me.
i love visualizing and analyzing things. it is just me. if Situation A happened, i will think of reasons why it happened. like Number 1, Number 2, Number 3. then i'll think of possible solutions, Number 1, Number 2, Number 3. haha. i think my mind works in a very weird way.
my first december away from home.
december's always a month for me to be thankful and grateful for the life that i have. and i will still try to keep that little tradition of mine while i'm still here.
just a little lost these days.
but i guess we all need to go through these kinda things, to find yourself right? even though it can be a long journey.