ytd went home with shing after BS, and she was sharing about Smith Wrigglesworth, and i was very wowed so i was just researching on him.and wow,i was so blown away by his biography.i was having goosebumps and my hair was practically standing on ends.
and i realised i think xiaoting told me about him before too.
anyhow,heres an extract from the article.
"The Favor of God
In 1877 at the age of nearly eighteen, Smith decided it was time to set out on his own. He went to the home of a plumber and asked for a job. When the plumber told him he had no need for any help, Smith thanked him, apologized for using his time, and turned to walk away.
Immediately, the man called him back. He said, “There is something about you that is different. I just cannot let you go.”†
At that, the man hired him on the spot.
By the time Smith was about twenty, the man he worked for could not keep him busy anymore—he just worked too efficiently! So Smith moved to Liverpool to find more work. There he began to minister to the children of the city. Ragged and hungry children came to the dock shed, where he preached the Gospel to them and did his best to feed and clothe them from what he made as a plumber in the area.
He also visited the hospitals and ships, praying and fasting all day on Sunday, asking God for converts. As a result, he never saw fewer than fifty people saved each time he ministered. He was also frequently invited by the Salvation Army to speak at their meetings, but though he saw great results, he was never eloquent. He often broke down and cried before the people because of his burden for souls, and it was this brokenness that brought people to the altar by the hundreds."
i think the last part about brokenness is especially very very wow.
God always work this way isnt it?
Smith was born into an impoverished family,and he started out as a small plumber.and look at how his life turned out to be.
and its really very wow how one's life can really testify of God's power and realness.
and to think that we are experiencing only maybe 0.00001% of what God can do.
heres the link : http://www.godsgenerals.com/person_s_wigglesworth.htm