i've been embarking on my reading journey since i set the goal a couple of weeks ago.and i've finished time magazine on time,and all.anddd..
i think jiaxin will laugh at me.but i'm only reading harry potter and the deathly hallows now.hahaha.started last week.
and i always imagine the whole scene and act out the events in my head when i read,so it makes reading it doubly slow.so sometimes,i just cant stand my slow speed and read ahead.haha.so i'm quite irritated with myself.
okay,tonight i shall try to read faster.
oooh i did some research on Charles Darwin, the man behind the evolution theory.cos i wanted to know who is he since i hear tanya's song everyday.
and he has got such an interesting life!do read on wikipedia if you have time.haha.his life is funny and entertaining.how he chased after his passion is really commendable.
and and!hes buried near Issac Newton.imagine being buried near the man behind all those physics hooha!haha.Newton's law.so familiar ey.
back to work. :)