It has been a month since you passed on, and my world remains that bit quieter, that space that only you would be able to 'intrude'.

I think you've changed my life in a very profound way.
And it's a pity how I truly found out more about you only after you passed.
I didn't know what a sweet boy you were...
That would probably be my regret in life.

Would that have changed how I feel/act towards you?
Would I have been able to take better care to help you?
I really wouldn't know.

Life is funny like this. We always learn things on hindsight.
If given the chance again with the knowledge I have now, would I be able to do things better? I really wouldn't know.

And just like this... We learn bit by bit, little by little. 
What it means to be a Human. What it means to Love. 

What I used to think as annoying and frustrating, 
is the very thing that I miss now.
See you very soon up there... My friend. It still pains me.